Thursday, September 13, 2012

My First Days...

Here I am near the beginning of my journey.  I'm actually on my way back to Philadelphia after visiting Halley and Karim in Oakland, California with a great stay seeing my folks and sister in nearby Davis.  While in Oakland, Halley threw a wonderful picnic at the Merritt Lake Park near her house and invited a number of her old Peace Corps pals to join in.  We chatted, ate, and discussed experiences they had had while in Turkmenistan and I got a lot of advice on what I might expect when I ship out. 

In Davis, I was very pleasantly surprised when my brother, Kim, drove all the way up from L.A. to visit and make us a family of five (sorry Sheena, you got a bit cut off!) which we won't be occasioned to have happen again until I return in a year.  Yes, I really am going to go to Sierra Leone to join the Peace Corps.
Once there, I will be what is known as an English Lecturer at Njala University (pronounced in-ja'-la) and teaching teachers how to teach reading and writing much like I did at West Chester University.  I suspect, however, this is where all similarities will end.  We were told we will have no running water, no internet, and only a few hours of electricity a day powered by local generators.  It's going to be rugged but I welcome the change and can't wait to be on my way.

I've never done a blog before and quite honestly have only read a few examples of them before.  So this is going to be another steep learning curve for me.  I look forward to keeping you all abreast of what is happening in my life in West Africa and learning about what is going on state-side.  More soon...


  1. Here's hoping you have a Wonderful Experience big brother! May it be a safe journey filled with epiphanies and awakenings... and learn 'em real good!

  2. ...and don't forget the sister in the middle! You two are the most wonderful brothers that a sister could have, and I treasure you both. We'll all learn from your epiphanies, Denny. Keep in touch...we will always be thinking of you!
    Sheena Jo

  3. Dan,
    How wonderful to hear from you! Your eleven months has begun with what appears to be a great group of people. And every photo in which you appear, you have an ear to ear grin.... this is a good sign! I hope you master the public transportation challenges. Perhaps the bicycles will be a safer option. Write more about how we can help your students get textbooks. I'm certainly on board. I saw Mike, Pete and Larry today when they came over my way to say goodbye to neighbor friends who are moving.
    We all send you our best wishes.
    Take care. Be safe.
